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Free Bingo Games Online – Travel Blogger Terminology Bingo!

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Free Bingo Games Online – Play Spot The Travel Blogger Terminology!

All righty, time to have a bit of silly fun. One thing I’ve noticed is that over the past couple of years, there has been an uprising of Travel Blogger Terminology that is ubiquitous for this online niche. In fact, this terminology has turned into a heap of predictable jargon every time you visit a travel blog. So I’ve developed my own Free Bingo Game Online to see how many of these terms you can come across on a single website visit!

Hell, even my site probably suffers from this affliction somewhat!

Free Bingo Games Online - Travel Blogger Terminology Bingo

How Travel Blogger Bingo Works!

All you need to do is print off the below Bingo sheet when you visit a Travel Blog website, and tick off all of the terminology that appears below. And if that Travel Blog website ticks off all of the below terms in one viewing, they have won!

Anyway, don’t take this article too seriously, because I certainly didn’t!

Travel Blogger Bingo Tick Sheet!

Location IndependentSack The Boss     Travel HackerThe Day I Quit My JobHostel Etiquette Where’s The Free WiFi?
Sold my house to travelLeave the Cubicle Back packing You Tube FatigueLong Term TravelTravel Tips
Best iPhone Travel App  Travel Gadgets Nomadic Skype Budget  Traveler Free Upgrade
Facebook FriendsThis WiFi sucks! I’ll ask TwitterPC or Mac?Burn Airline MilesBusiness Back packing
4 Hour Work WeekPhoto blog Travel Secrets Internet Lifestyle Fluorescent PrisonLiving The Dream
 FreedomTravel The World Tropical Islands Best Travel MoviesFlash packing  Travel Tweeters
Still Bored At Work? Then Check Out:  Tribal Textiles in Zambia - An African Art Economic Success Story

There you go. I’m sure you can probably see some of these terms on this website, but hey, shit happens!

Actually, what other Travel Blogger Bingo terms can you come up with? I’m sure there are craploads out there, so feel free to leave a comment and your own bingo word!

Looking forward to what comes out of the ether!

More Bingo Stuff

If you’re right into Bingo, maybe check out Complete Bingo Game.

More Travel Blogging Stuff

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7 thoughts on “Free Bingo Games Online – Travel Blogger Terminology Bingo!”

  1. Avatar Of Jeff

    You should create 36 new blog posts, one for each of those terms. Who couldn’t use 36 new ideas for content?

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