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Travel Magazine Review – Travel The World With Off Track Planet

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A Travel Magazine With a Difference

I recently crossed paths with Bianca from Off Track Planet Travel Magazine, who kindly sent me an issue of their print magazine to have a look. That’s because they cover a lot of offbeat travel things like I do.

If you’ve checked out the Off Track Planet site, you will get a feel of what’s going to pop up in the magazine – meaning, that the travel writing is not so serious when compared to many Travel Magazines and literature that’s floating around.

Having said that, the Travel Writing is no nonsense, down to earth and close to the truth!

Travel Magazine Review - Off Track Planet

Travel Magazine Funny Headlines

Off Track Planet has a number of headlines that would make most people want to Google them with privacy, such as

  • Guide to Getting Laid in Brazil;
  • First Flight Phobia – Our cure to all the bullshit reasons for not taking that first flight out of the country; and
  • What the f*ck is Vegemite?

What I liked about Off Track Planet was the lack of political correctness, which makes it different to some of the other Travel Magazines out there which can be more about the Fantasy of travel, or more like an endless Travel Brochure!

The target market seems to be for the twenty somethings, but anyone with a sense of humour or a no bullsh*t attitude would like reading this magazine. The writing is funny, stories are engaging and there are lots of great photos that will give you some itchy feet!

Subject matter ranges from partying, food, movies and volunteering.

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So if you’re bored at work, or you want some entertaining travel writing to keep you thinking of destinations afar, Off Track Planet’s new Travel Magazine is good fun (and check out the website too).

More Travel Magazine Stuff

For an offbeat Travel Magazine hit, check out Off Track Planet.

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2 thoughts on “Travel Magazine Review – Travel The World With Off Track Planet”

  1. Avatar Of Nomadic Samuel

    I’m also a fan of OTP. I like how they can be edgy at times and aren’t afraid to tackle topics or articles that would be off limits to others.

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