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Phuket Bar Funny Photo – No Shit In The Toilet

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Today I’ve got a funny sign from a Phuket Bar in Thailand that my friend from Curious Drifter took on his recent jaunt throughout South East Asia. And I’m sure a lot of you who have been to Asia would be able to relate to this one a lot, especially if you were busting to go to the toilet at the most inconvenient time!

Anyway, the photo is of the toilet that you’re not allowed to take a crap in! That’s right, a big dose of irony in this one!

No Shit In The Toilet!

Yes seriously. Spotted in a Jazz Bar in Phuket town on a big night out whilst drinking a few beers.

Phuket Bar – No Shitting In The Toilet Funny Sign!

Yes, there is a humourous poem placed on the wall of the toilet, but the piece of absolute gold comes from a separate sign that’s placed right at the bottom!

Phuket Bar Funny Photo - No Shitting In The Toilet. Phuket Nightlife

This hilarious sign reminds me of a very funny Peter Moore Travel book that has become one of my all time favourite pieces of travel literature – No Shitting In The Toilet! His book title came from a similar sign that he spotted somewhere on his intrepid travels around the world.

I know this sign seems to defeat the purpose of a toilet’s function, but this is the way of life in many third world places where the sewerage cannot cope with solid matter – even if it’s just poo only!

So if you can’t do a Number 2 in the toilet in a Phuket Bar, where else can you do it?

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Hopefully not at the nearby Phuket Beach… I wouldn’t be opening my mouth whilst swimming in the ocean there!

More Phuket Bar Stuff

If you’re feeling like going to a bit of a tourist trap, for more Phuket Bar info, check out Lonely Planet Phuket Encounter.

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2 thoughts on “Phuket Bar Funny Photo – No Shit In The Toilet”

  1. Avatar Of Diane@Bedbugkills

    I know this sign seems to defeat the purpose of a toilet’s function, but this is the way of life in many third world places where the sewerage cannot cope with solid matter.

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