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Social Distancing Memes & Jokes – The Biggest Growth Industry From The Coronavirus!

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Yay, some more junk to fill up the internet – some corny Social Distancing Memes and Jokes to help you get through your country’s lockdown or quarantine. Hey, you’ve probably got nothing else better to do!

I don’t think the internet has grown so much since it first came out it 1994. I’m surprised the internet hasn’t collapsed with the surge of people ‘working from home’. You can interpret that any way that you like because I’m fairly sure productivity rates haven’t increased!

Q? Encoding=Utf8&Marketplace=Us&Asin=1087855594&Serviceversion=20070822&Id=Asinimage&Ws=1&Format= Sl250 &Tag=Thetratar 20 | Travel Health | Social Distancing Memes &Amp; Jokes - The Biggest Growth Industry From The Coronavirus! | Coronavirus, Coronavirus Jokes, Coronavirus Memes, Covid-19, Social Distancing, Social Distancing Jokes, Social Distancing Memes | Author: Anthony Bianco - The Travel Tart BlogIr?T=Thetratar 20&L=Am2&O=1&A=1087855594 | Travel Health | Social Distancing Memes &Amp; Jokes - The Biggest Growth Industry From The Coronavirus! | Coronavirus, Coronavirus Jokes, Coronavirus Memes, Covid-19, Social Distancing, Social Distancing Jokes, Social Distancing Memes | Author: Anthony Bianco - The Travel Tart Blog Q? Encoding=Utf8&Marketplace=Us&Asin=B08625Nc8K&Serviceversion=20070822&Id=Asinimage&Ws=1&Format= Sl250 &Tag=Thetratar 20 | Travel Health | Social Distancing Memes &Amp; Jokes - The Biggest Growth Industry From The Coronavirus! | Coronavirus, Coronavirus Jokes, Coronavirus Memes, Covid-19, Social Distancing, Social Distancing Jokes, Social Distancing Memes | Author: Anthony Bianco - The Travel Tart BlogIr?T=Thetratar 20&L=Am2&O=1&A=B08625Nc8K | Travel Health | Social Distancing Memes &Amp; Jokes - The Biggest Growth Industry From The Coronavirus! | Coronavirus, Coronavirus Jokes, Coronavirus Memes, Covid-19, Social Distancing, Social Distancing Jokes, Social Distancing Memes | Author: Anthony Bianco - The Travel Tart Blog Q? Encoding=Utf8&Marketplace=Us&Asin=B0863S9Y73&Serviceversion=20070822&Id=Asinimage&Ws=1&Format= Sl250 &Tag=Thetratar 20 | Travel Health | Social Distancing Memes &Amp; Jokes - The Biggest Growth Industry From The Coronavirus! | Coronavirus, Coronavirus Jokes, Coronavirus Memes, Covid-19, Social Distancing, Social Distancing Jokes, Social Distancing Memes | Author: Anthony Bianco - The Travel Tart BlogIr?T=Thetratar 20&L=Am2&O=1&A=B0863S9Y73 | Travel Health | Social Distancing Memes &Amp; Jokes - The Biggest Growth Industry From The Coronavirus! | Coronavirus, Coronavirus Jokes, Coronavirus Memes, Covid-19, Social Distancing, Social Distancing Jokes, Social Distancing Memes | Author: Anthony Bianco - The Travel Tart Blog Q? Encoding=Utf8&Marketplace=Us&Asin=B08M7Jbf39&Serviceversion=20070822&Id=Asinimage&Ws=1&Format= Sl250 &Tag=Thetratar 20 | Travel Health | Social Distancing Memes &Amp; Jokes - The Biggest Growth Industry From The Coronavirus! | Coronavirus, Coronavirus Jokes, Coronavirus Memes, Covid-19, Social Distancing, Social Distancing Jokes, Social Distancing Memes | Author: Anthony Bianco - The Travel Tart BlogIr?T=Thetratar 20&L=Am2&O=1&A=B08M7Jbf39 | Travel Health | Social Distancing Memes &Amp; Jokes - The Biggest Growth Industry From The Coronavirus! | Coronavirus, Coronavirus Jokes, Coronavirus Memes, Covid-19, Social Distancing, Social Distancing Jokes, Social Distancing Memes | Author: Anthony Bianco - The Travel Tart Blog

Once you’re finished with these, you can waste a bit more time out my silly posts on Lockdown Jokes and Coronavirus Memes. Most of these jokes were about toilet paper hoarding and stupid fights in the supermarket. Oh, and also check out some Funny Face Masks For Sale On Amazon!

And as a community service announcement, make sure you’re nice to the health workers in your community and everyone else for that matter!

But to try and counter some of the negativity in the world, here are my…

Social Distancing Memes & Jokes!

Who would have thought that the term ‘social distancing’ would become part of our daily lives and enter the vernacular. I’m almost using the term more than Australian Slang!

So it’s worth creating a few lighthearted social distancing memes and jokes just to get through this crappy time.

And I’ve organised them by themes! Let’s go!

The 1.5 Metre Rule

Austin Powers Living Dangerously Meme
Catholic Jokes Memes
Social Distancing Jokes

General Social Distancing

Be Like Bill Meme
Chuck Norris Jokes And Memes
Donald Trump Jokes And Memes
Social Distancing
Facebook Marked Safe From Meme
Keep Calm And Carry On Meme
Social Distancing Memes

Working From Home

Oprah Winfrey Meme
Self Isolation Jokes Memes
Working From Home Coronavirus
Shelter In Place Meme
Skype Communication Meme
That Would Be Great Meme

Self Isolation and Quarantine

Quarantine Memes
Qurantini Meme

Social Distancing Jokes

Here’s one if you’re trying to score a date in the age of Coronavirus – Is that a bottle of hand sanitiser in your hands or are you just happy to see me 1.5 metres away?

Still Bored At Work? Then Check Out:  Travel During The Pandemic Stories - Why Restrictions Can Make Your Life Hell!

Anyway, hope that relieved a tiny bit of boredom when you’re stuck at home wondering what to to do for the next few months. I’ll probably just be producing more memes!

Also, don’t rely on any old crappy site to stay up to date with coronavirus information. Check out the World Health Organisation website.

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